marți, 7 iunie 2016

A new life

I was going to eat at a local restaurant near my house, when a familiar face showed up for once after the incident. It was Jude. He gave me an interesting offer: he wanted me to join the Liberation Militia with him. I mean, what do I have to lose? I have lost family members and a chance of education because of THEM. Revenge keeps climbing up my to-do list.
After the discussion, he left and I went back home. I found a letter from someone. Sephy? She wanted me to go to her if we want to start a new life together. I would love to start again! Or to try at least. But the letter tells me to be there in 2 minutes? I rushed as fast as I did when the bombing happened to her house, but the limousine that she was in already started going the road. I couldn't keep up with it. Now I have lost everyone closer to me, except Jude and mom. All this hatred and anger in me, I want them to disappear. Now I have no other choice. I am joining Jude in the L.M.


That hope...
... Didn't last.
After a few days after the life imprisonment sentence, we found out that dad was electrocuted in the fence of the prison. Could this mean that he did the same thing as Lynette did?
Or just that the daggers just found an excuse to kill him?

A glimmer of hope

We were in the execution room, waiting for dad to be hanged. I could not believe we have lost so many people in such few time. Sephy was here as well, but I have tried to ignore her. I have too many things happening in my life to think about ours. They brought dad up to the platform ready to be hanged.
But right before they were ready to activate the trapdoor, our lawyer came in, making a deal to give dad life imprisonment instead.

Could this be a glimmer of hope?

The trial

So, here we are. The trial. The most tense day of my life. Better not say anything stupid, otherwise it will cost an important life for me. So it begins. We could not afford a great lawyer, but surprisingly, someone paid for us a great amount to get the best lawyer in the country, possibly even the world. When they told me to answer their questions, I never felt more tense. And I think I showed it too. The judge was not very satisfied with my answers. This could go very very wrong. Some time later, the verdict came, and when I heard it I needed a whole minute to process the answer.



That night we were in bed when we heard the main door being slammed and policemen coming in and handcuffing each one of us. Mere seconds pass by as I am standing in an interrogation room about the bomb. I try to deny and it looks like it's working. But I was not the only one to be questioned. And Jude was not home either. He may have left before the policemen arrived. After some time, we are done with the questions, but dad needs to go to court to solve this dispute.
God please, not another one.

The bomb

I was talking to Sephy today, told me that she would go to the Dundale Shopping District this afternoon. So we can't meet tomorrow. So I just stood with my family. They have changed after the incident, but mostly Jude and dad. I saw them yesterday with something that looked like a blueprint. No idea what for. But then it hit me. When I wanted to go to the Mall, Jude warned me not to, so I knew it had something to do with it. And so I rushed to get Sephy out of here, and God bless I did. After that,a huge boom is all I could hear, and people screaming, I wanted answers, so after I talked to Sephy for a bit, I went back home only to see the news of the bomb of Dundale and dad watching. Mom talked to him for a bit, but long enough to realize that he was involved in this. This means that both Jude and dad were involved in this bombing.
Oh no.

The funeral

A week passes by and now we 're ready for Lynette's funeral. Actually, we're not ready.Every nought in this neighborhood came here. Everyone was chatting and talking about it, but one special figure showed up in the house. It was Sephy. Dressed in what appeared to be her best and richest clothing. She came to the funeral. Everyone was shocked and furious looking at her. Being dressed in your best dressand coming to a nought funeral is not the best idea, knowing that all we had were basic T-shirts, jeans and 1 or 2 pairs of shoes. So she leaves, and everyone is angry.
Except me. Because this may be a start to our recovery.


I came back from another boring day of school. But this time was very different. Before I could even enter the house, I just hear familiar screams inside. As I came in, I saw jude fighting with Lynette. Lynette had an accident 3 years ago and she lost her memories, and now she thinks that she is a Cross. Jude hates that and always tries to convince her that she's wrong. But this time he has gone too far. I tried to stop them, but when I tried to run to them, Jude already smashed Lynette in a mirror. That time, father came in to stop them, and for the first time, he talked to use about what happened 3 years ago. Apparently Lynette had a Cross boyfriend and got attacked by noughts and he died and now she is like this. For the first time in a long time I see Jude actually feeling sorry for something he has done.
But this was not done.
The day after, Lynette told us that she was going to take a walk, but  about 1 hour later, the policemen  came to our house to tell us that Lynette was dead.
She died.
She died just now.
But I can't feel anything. I can't cry even if I wanted to. But when I went to my bed, I saw a letter under my pillow.
Of hers.
She took the easy way out.

It just keeps getting worse

This is way more terrifying than I thought it will be. Every lesson I just hear about how great Crosses are and how we don't belong here and blah blah blah... Every time the same things. But the worst thing is that Sephy and I stopped talking to each other as much as we did before I got here. I have a feeling that this idea of me being here is a really bad one.

Things are changing

Yes! I got into Heathcroft! I was really excited when I got the news! I was finally going to do something significant in my life! I was ready to go to school: all my tools, notebooks, my new uniform, everything was perfect. This is going to be great!
As I got to the main entrance, a horde of Crosses were pushing me -and the other noughts who got in- in the center of the crowd where some policemen were staying. They hit us all to make us stay on the ground, but nothing hurt more than hearing what Sephy had to say: "You are all acting like BLANKERS!". I have never heard her say that word before, and I never wanted to. Did she really mean it? I don't know, but all I know is that this was not agreat start, and I have a chance of losing my best friend.

Big opportunity

Days have passed since I have not posted anything new in here, but now I have exciting news for you! The reason as to why I haven't posted in a long time is because I was preparing for an exam to get into Heathcroft School! This is a huge step for our family! If I can get into this school, then I will finally have a proper education. I know that this is a Cross school, however, but I am not afraid to show them what we noughts can do. And I could be in the same school as Sephy! That would be a dream coming true! I was talking to her the other day about me being in Heathcroft, and she was as excited as I was. But as for my family, they were very scared with the idea of going to a Cross school. I could undrestand their fear of this idea, but I feel like they do not trust me. My father was the only one that looked excited when he heard the ideas, so at least someone in our family is happy that we have a chance of changing the way things work right now.


Hello! I am Callum Ryan McGreggor, and this is my first blog post! I am excited to start telling you guys about my life in this journal of mine! Well, we will start with an introduction of me: I am 15 years old and I am a nought, so I come from a poor family, but we take care of ourselves fine. Speaking of family, I should introduce them to you!
- My mother, Meggie
- My father, Ryan
- My brother, Jude...
- And my sister, Lynette
My family is really nice, but Jude is a really complicated person. I still love him though. We are doing our best to help each other.
As noughts, we obviously are treated like inferior people. But there is one special Cross who has always looked at me as an equal person. She is my best friend, Sephy. We knew each other since she was born, and we had fun evers since, and our families as well! Well, that was the case, until 3 years ago when our families just stopped talking to each other. I don't understand, but what is important is that me and Sephy are still inseperable even after what happened. Very excited to continue posting here!