marți, 7 iunie 2016

Big opportunity

Days have passed since I have not posted anything new in here, but now I have exciting news for you! The reason as to why I haven't posted in a long time is because I was preparing for an exam to get into Heathcroft School! This is a huge step for our family! If I can get into this school, then I will finally have a proper education. I know that this is a Cross school, however, but I am not afraid to show them what we noughts can do. And I could be in the same school as Sephy! That would be a dream coming true! I was talking to her the other day about me being in Heathcroft, and she was as excited as I was. But as for my family, they were very scared with the idea of going to a Cross school. I could undrestand their fear of this idea, but I feel like they do not trust me. My father was the only one that looked excited when he heard the ideas, so at least someone in our family is happy that we have a chance of changing the way things work right now.

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